The Schell Lab

research at the interface of urban ecology, Conservation, & justice


In the Schell Lab

we focus on wildlife ecology and environmental justice in the built environment


Ecology (ecol·​o·​gy)

The study of organisms’ relationships to their environment, as well as their relationships to other organisms (derived from the Greek word Oikos, meaning “Home”)

Urban Ecology (ur·​ban ecol·​o·​gy)

Explicitly studies relationships among human and nonhuman organisms in constructed spaces, validating both the social AND ecological components that comprise the city (i.e., the study of OUR home)


The schell lab studies animal behavior, physiology, genomics, and biodiversity to illustrate how environmental injustices in Cities have reverberating impacts for people and wildlife


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latest news from the schell lab

Anyone can wear the mask, YOU can where the mask. If you didn’t know that before, I hope you do now.

- Miles Morales, Into the spider-verse

Featured projects…

Tracking Urban Ghosts

Carcasses Tell Tales

Lights, Cameras, Action!