Chris Schell and Christine Wilkinson featured on the Going Wild Podcast


Dr. Schell talks coyotes and cities with Dr. Rae Wynn-Grant on her podcast, Going Wild

Description from the podcast site (10/11/2022):

“Why are coyotes showing up all over the place? Spoiler alert: evolution can work fast. If you live in the United States, chances are you’ve seen a coyote in the wilderness, or in more unexpected places like on a train, in your backyard, or even in a sandwich shop. But coyotes haven’t always been so bold. Back in the 1900s, coyotes were more like wolves – you mostly found them in forests and other areas far away from humans. Now, coyotes are everywhere, and Dr. Christopher Schell decided to find out why. Through his research, Chris learned a lot about coyotes, and some things really surprised him. But what makes this story even more unique is that by studying coyotes, Chris ended up learning even more about himself.”

Dr. Wilkinson talks hyenas, conflict, and coexistence with Dr. Rae Wynn-Grant on her podcast, Going Wild

Description from the podcast site (10/11/2022):

“Hyenas might be the most misunderstood animal – Are they dogs? Big cats? Evil, trouble-making sidekicks? (Thanks, Lion King!) Dr. Christine Wilkinson relates to this ambiguous perception as a bi-racial woman, and especially one working in the fields of science and conservation. She couldn’t wait to go to Kenya to study hyenas, but once there, she was labeled a “Mzungu,” a term often used to describe white foreigners. Hear about how she fought to save hyenas from being misunderstood (and even started a conservation effort for the animals considered a nuisance), and in doing so, found a community where she was accepted.”

Christopher Schell